Generally this sort of foods from production to consumption must preserved by cooling storaged room.
Meats: Animals which are alive their immune system fight bacterias,viruses and which is habitable for animal but after the butchering all of bacterias,viruses find a new life area and they immediately transport to human and where is available situation for them.As you know under effect of cooling they are being inactive hence cooling room is vital important to protect the healthy meat.
To protection to meat heat range must be 0, -1,7 centigrade degree and also cooling storaged room include %90-95 humidity.
Milk and derivates: Cheese can be stored for 5-6 months under condition of 0-5 centigrade degree. Butter can be stored for 5-6 months under condition of 4-10 centigrade degree before the cooling storage room it should exposed the freeze.
To protect eggs heat range must be -2,5 -1,7 centigrade degree and also cooling storaged room include %80-95 humidity.
Seafood: Generally 5-20 days ,Under the -5 centigrade degree and % 90-95 humidity condition can be stored.Seafood products must cooling after the hunting.